
How waste is managed in Sydney

In Sydney, waste management is regulated and overseen by local government authorities, waste management companies, and various industry-specific regulations.

It's important for businesses to stay informed about waste management regulations and engage with reputable waste management service providers to ensure compliance and promote sustainable waste practices.

Waste is managed in the following ways:

1. Waste assessment and planning

Businesses are encouraged to conduct waste assessments to understand the types and quantities of waste they generate. This assessment helps identify opportunities for waste reduction, recycling, and proper disposal. Businesses can develop waste management plans outlining strategies for minimising waste generation and maximising recycling.

2. Waste collection services

Local government authorities or waste management companies provide commercial waste collection services to businesses. These services include scheduled pickups of general waste, recycling, and potentially organic waste. Businesses are typically provided with different bins or containers for segregating different types of waste.

3. Recycling programs

Businesses are encouraged to participate in recycling programs. They are provided with dedicated recycling bins or containers for paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, and other recyclable materials. Some businesses may have specific requirements based on their industry or waste streams, such as food waste or electronic waste.

4. Commercial waste services

Sydney has waste management companies that specialise in commercial waste services. These companies offer tailored waste management solutions for businesses, including collection, sorting, recycling, and disposal services.

6. Regulatory compliance

Businesses that generate hazardous waste must adhere to specific regulations for its safe handling and disposal. They may need to work with licensed waste management companies that specialise in handling and disposing of hazardous materials.

5. Hazardous waste management

Businesses in Sydney are required to comply with waste management regulations and guidelines set by the local government and environmental authorities. These regulations may cover areas such as waste sorting, recycling targets, proper disposal practices, and reporting requirements.

How waste is managed in Sydney

Waste remediation

Businesses may require remediation services for the proper handling and treatment of contaminated sites or hazardous materials. Douglas Partners can assist businesses with waste management and remediation in the following ways:

  • Site assessment and investigation to identify potential contamination issues or hazardous materials on a business property, including soil, groundwater, and surface water testing to determine the extent of contamination and potential risks.
  • Remediation planning and design based on the site assessment findings. Douglas Partners can develop comprehensive remediation plans and designs tailored to the specific needs of businesses.
  • Compliance and regulatory support to help business to navigate the complex regulatory requirements, obtain necessary permits, and facilitate communication with regulatory authorities.
  • Monitoring and verification activities to assess the effectiveness of remediation efforts, including regular sampling and analysis to track the progress of contamination reduction and ensure the site meets the required standards.

Learn more about how Douglas Partners can help with waste management and remediation services.