Key People

Rod Gray

Branch Manager / Senior Associate / Environmental Scientist

Rod is the Macarthur Branch Manager and a Senior Associate of Douglas Partners with more than 10 years' consulting experience. Rod specialises in Contaminated Land Management and has a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Masters of Environmental Science.

Rod currently manages the Macarthur branch. During his time with Douglas Partners, Rod has assisted some of South Western Sydney's largest land development teams successfully obtain multiple bulk earthworks, construction and subdivision development approvals for ongoing stages of their developments. For these developments, he has had major involvement in preliminary and detailed contamination investigations, remediation and validation.

Rod has specialised in asbestos remediation, overseeing the validation of over 25,000 m3 of asbestos impacted soil under NSW EPA endorsed guidelines across multiple development sites.

Contact Rod at our Macarthur office

18 Waler Crescent
Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567

T 02 4647 0075
EEmail our Macarthur office

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